Get the most accurate Prayer Times, Azan & Qibla direction and more with the SalahPro mobile app for Android.Get the most accurate Prayer Times:
Azan (Adhan, Athan, Salah, Salat) & Qiblah, Qibla direction with the Muslim Pro mobile app for iPhone or Android. Recognized as the most accurate prayer time & azan application for both platforms.- Adhan AlarmAlerts to prayer times with calculated hijri dates. Automatic Athan (Azan) at the right time five times a day on every prayer time.- Qibla CompassQibla direction finder (the yellow marker) that points accurately towards the Kaaba’h from practically anywhere in the world.- Digital Tasbeeh CounterDigital version of tasbeeh. Allows you to select the maximum limit to 7, 33,100, 1000 or even unlimited limit.
Al-QuranComplete Quran in English or Arabic. Also features verse-by-verse translation and verse-by-verse recitation.Bookmark favorite passages. Save your favorite passages or verses with a bookmark. Look up your favorite Surahs and ayat.- Searchable Holy QuranPerform a full text search for words or passages. Search through Surahs and find the exact ayat you’re looking for.
Always a Mosque nearbyMosque/Masjid finder that helps you locate, share and find mosques worldwide. SalahPro quickly identifies your position and allows you to choose the nearest Mosque. There’s always a masjed nearby.- Get local information: Very useful when traveling or at a new place. SalahPro helps you get prayer times/salat times of your local mosques.